31 August, 2011

Another portrait

The beginning of my attempt to draw my grand-godparents. Although they are not related to us, we met them when they answered my mum's advert for a nanny to care for my sister when she was 3. After all these years, I still can't believe how lucky we are to have such incredible grandparents who aren't even related to us.

I am incredibly lazy at finishing drawings, so I am trying to make an extra effort to do so this month.

25 June, 2011

Vivienne Westwood Shoes: A world-wide exhibition

Yesterday we went to the beautiful Bowes Museum at Banard Castle to view a world-wide exhibition of Vivienne Westwood's shoes. Read more details here

Check out the gorgeous 19th century building:

It's a fantastic exhibition and will only show there in the UK before travelling to Japan, New York and China. Don't miss out! Review to follow shortly.

02 June, 2011

Hands and feet

Some pencil sketches to show you:

Apologies for the lack of posts, I am in the midst of exam time!

04 March, 2011

Oil Paint

This is one of my art final pieces that I did around 3 years ago, for an exam. I love it because it is one of the first pieces I painted properly using oils, which is my favourite medium to paint in. Using oil paints allows you to convey so much expression and when you get it right, it is wonderful to work with.

18 February, 2011


This time, I used black pen again, but with watercolour pencils to add in the hints of colour.

14 February, 2011

Drawing done from an old Vogue editorial in pen. I'm planning to start exploring different ways of doing fashion illustration, concentrating on using black ink. I chose the image to copy because of the model's interesting face and expression, though I'm not sure if I'm completely won over by using just fine black line for the sketch. To be honest, I'm not thrilled with the result, so next time I might go for more colour or smudge in the lines.